(209) 634-5829
247 North Broadway, Turlock, CA 95380

Cindy Delay-Bettencourt February 24, 2025 - February 2, 2023

Cindy Delay-Bettencourt passed on February 2, 2023, at the age of 65 in Turlock, California. She was born in 1957 in the city of Danville, Illinois.

Cindy worked at Butterball in Turlock for many years and retired from Creative Alternatives after 23 years of service. Cindy loved to draw and garden. She appreciated the beauty of birds and had parakeets for pets in her home. Cindy enjoyed escaping to the mountains, being in the snow, and her favorite place to be was at the Gables Cedar Creek Inn up in Twain Harte, CA. She liked going on the lake fishing with her husband, Ed. She loved her crime shows, Blue Bloods, and watching Lifetime TV. Cindy had a weakness for popsicles, missile pops to be exact. She was overjoyed by driving in the truck with her son Mike on his trips around the country. She loved to cook and make sure that people were well fed. She truly was thrilled by the holidays, Christmas being her favorite. The decorations, the joy, and family together were her favorite parts. She took care of those she loved. Cindy was sweet, kindhearted, and beloved by everyone who knew her.

Cindy is survived by her husband Ed, her children Robin and Mike, her grandchildren Johnny, Steven, Alexander, Ayla, and Benjamin. She is also survived by her aunts June and Marjorie and her siblings Harold and Susie.

Cindy was a wife, mother, and friend, She will always be loved and cherished.



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