July 1944 – August 2020
Dusty Deupree of Modesto, CA, beloved husband to Gayla Deupree, passed on August 18, 2020. He is loved dearly and will be greatly missed.
Dusty grew up in small town Tracy, CA where he had a wonderful life. He was an owner/operator of a trucking company in the construction industry for 35 years. Dusty was an avid NASCAR and Oakland Raiders fan. Since retiring he enjoyed gardening and tinkering in the garage on his many projects.
Dusty is preceded in death by his parents Ed and Violet, sister Beverly and brother Dean. He is survived by his wife Gayla, brother Jimmy, son Steven (Velia), daughter Sonja (Ryan), daughter Stephanie (Tim), and grandchildren Larissa, Devin (Mo) and Allen Dean.
We love you Dusty!
Mathew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

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Ryan Buckmaster says
August 18, 2021 at 1:28 pmHey Dusty, just checking in. Can’t believe its been a year already. Just wanted to let you know we all still miss you, and think about you all the time.
Sonja Robinson says
July 17, 2021 at 8:29 pmDusty”¦.
Today is your birthday and we are missing you more and more with each passing day, especially today. We tried to make it a special day even if you didn’t want to. We had to find a good reason to buy you a big gift and eat cake. Your birthday was the perfect reason. Always in our hearts and always on our minds!!!
Sonja Robinson says
June 20, 2021 at 10:43 pmSonja Robinson says
June 20, 2021 at 4:18 pmThinking and missing you more than usually today on Father’s Day !!!
Love you ❤️❤️
Steve Cromwell says
June 3, 2021 at 10:36 pmHeavy on my mind today dusty. I love you bud
Sonja Robinson says
May 19, 2021 at 12:53 amTo my best friend… well it’s been 9 months since you were taken from us. It seems like forever but at the same time it just seems like yesterday . Just wanted to let you know I miss you everyday!! Also I’m going to miss hanging outside by the pool BS’ing with you. Mom said she will play role of pool life guard!! Lol
Miss you and love you…
Sonja Robinson says
April 5, 2021 at 3:39 amSo this weekend was Allen and Alison’s wedding . I know you were really looking forward to this day. You were greatly missed. Everyone was saying how much they have missed you. We agree!! So much to get caught up on. To much to write so I can tell you all about when I see you next.
Well I just wanted to keep you in loop on somethings that was happening. So with that …. we love, we miss you and “see you when we see you.”
Love you
Sonja Robinson says
February 21, 2021 at 9:26 pmFor a period of 500 years!!!
Sonja Robinson says
February 20, 2021 at 6:05 amThe days don’t get any easier . You are missed more than words could ever express . As Steve said ” I guess this is a way to stay in touch.” Have so much to talk about that’s happened over the last 6 months. Missing you and love you!!
January 7, 2021 at 4:29 amDamit Du. It wasnt time for you to cash out. I guess this is kind of a way to stay in touch. Bound in time through space and mind for a period of 500 years.
Sonja Robinson says
November 29, 2020 at 7:45 pmWith the holiday season approaching, just wanted to say you are going to be greatly missed. We will miss you at the dinner table telling all of your stories, even though we heard them before. They still make us laugh. You were a huge part of our lives. There is now a large void and our lives will be forever changed. You are missed every minute of everyday. ❣❣
Love you Dusty
Your family and friends.
Steve Cromwell says
September 24, 2020 at 4:54 amI’m free
I’m following the path God has laid you see.
I took his hand when I heard his call.
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day.
To love to laugh to walk or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found my peace at the close of the day.
If my parting has left a void then fill your heart with remembered joys.
A friendship shared a laugh a kiss oh yes these things to I will miss.
Be not burdened with times of Sorrow.
I’m wishing you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life has been full I’ve savored much.
Good friends good times a loved one’s touch.
Lift up your hearts and peace to thee.
God wanted me now he set me free.
Love you Dusty.
Kathleen Powell says
September 11, 2020 at 4:44 pmI have known Dusty for many years.We’ve always had something in common ….. our love of flowers.I was always amazed at the two ferns he had in pots in front of their home for as long as I can remember.I asked what he did to make them look so good ….. he never gave me his secret.I took Dusty flowers often knowing he enjoyed them he was always so thankful. The one time we had our difference was when Gayla and I went to garage sales looking for treasures to fill our back yard.When we arrived at their home Dusty came out to see our treasures … he was not amused and told us it was “junk”!! Well it ended with “HELL”no not in my yard.!!
We kept our friendship …I will miss you Dusty â¤ï¸
Paul Muniain says
September 7, 2020 at 3:41 amDusty my brother you were one of those old school truckers that earned my respect immediately. The only puller that never pissed me off and never told our secrets. Keep on trucking dusty. Ty for the fond memories.
Ryan Buckmaster says
September 5, 2020 at 1:26 pmHey Dusty, thanks for all the good memories. Gonna miss all the stories, still funny no matter how many times I hear them. Really going to miss all the pranks that we played on each other, still waiting for you to get me back. You will be missed!! See you when I see you.
Timothy Estrada says
September 5, 2020 at 4:22 amThank you Dusty for letting me into the family. I always enjoyed our time together watching racing and sports. I can’t tell you how much I’ll miss our conversations and laughter. I feel lucky to been able to call you friend.
Steven Deupree says
September 5, 2020 at 1:26 amDad I love you and miss you so much,I wish you could send me a picture of that sweet Pete your ridin’ in now you’ll have to take me for a ride when i see you again like the old days just me and you fun truckin’
Steve cromwell says
September 5, 2020 at 12:58 amOn the clock and off the clock friends for 45 years. I’m going to miss you Dusty but I’ll catch up with you then we can tell them we’ll be right back I love ya bud. Im so sorry Gayla…
Sonja Robinson says
September 5, 2020 at 12:45 amDusty became my dad when I was just a little girl. We went through good times and bad times as I was going through my different stages of life. He taught me how to drive his new “Peterbilt”, that was quite an experience. LOL!! We also went fishing a lot, never caught anything but had a great time. I would help him tinker on stuff at the house. He was my best friend and the best dad anyone could ask for. I will miss him everyday!! As he would always tell me: “See you when I see you.” I will always keep you close to my heart. Love You!! R.I.P.❣❣
Eddie Perez says
September 4, 2020 at 12:10 pmTo the one true friend I have had in my adult life, thank you for all of the memories experiences and life lessons that we shared. It was one hell of a ride. You will always be close to my heart,love ya bud, see you when I see you ❤️
Katy Cheatham says
September 4, 2020 at 6:07 amThank you for letting M.B. and i become part of your family, introducing the 2 yard girls to your 3 girls Gayla, Stephanie and Sonja. The many dinners and celebrations. Thank you my friend for the many memories till we meet again.
Meribeth Bowen says
September 4, 2020 at 5:56 amI drove truck with Dusty, he would laugh when he realized i was going the wrong way, I would laugh because he was right behind me. The plane trip ( he was first time flyer) Many fun memories, going to miss you my friend.
airranda Leigh langston says
September 4, 2020 at 1:43 amHes the father of my best friend sonja and even tho i never got to meet him fully ive heard so much great things about him and I’m sorry for your loss.
Jeff robiinson says
September 4, 2020 at 12:03 amTo my raider and nascar buddy thank you for all the good times.we just got back in touch after along time.and I missed how cool you really were thanks for that you made me feel like part of the family again kinda you know what I mean well I love you buddy until we meet again.
Sandy Schipper says
September 3, 2020 at 11:19 pmI did not know Dusty in his early days but oh the stories I’ve heard of his colorful youth! And apparently that beautiful mustache was a trademark judging by the photos! Condolences to all of his loved ones but especially to Gayla who will miss him dearly.
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