(209) 634-5829
247 North Broadway, Turlock, CA 95380

Pastor Luther M. Englund November 11, 1922 - June 29, 2018

Nov. 1922 – June 2018

Luther Englund was born at home on November 11, 1922 to Howard and Hilma Englund in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  He was the youngest child with two brothers and two sisters.  Luther earned an AA degree from North Park College in Chicago, a BA from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and a Seminary degree from North Park Theological Seminary.  He was a lifetime learner continuing to attend seminars and conferences all his life.  Luther was an Ordained Minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church. He and his wife Elvira served a total of 31 years at churches in Buffalo, New York; Alberta, Canada; Warren and Trimont, Minnesota; and Hilmar, California.  In 1977 he became the Chaplain at Emanuel Medical Center in Turlock until retirement in 1998.  Calvary Baptist Church then called him to be Congregational Care Pastor serving for 10 years retiring once more at 94 but continuing to visit and occasionally officiate at funerals.  Throughout his ministry, Luther served terms on the Covenant National Boards of Missions, Ministry, and Pensions as well as on a number of district and local boards and committees. Luther was honored in the Turlock community receiving the Good Samaritan Award from Emanuel Medical Center in 1989, the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the Chamber of Commerce in 1999, and was named a Paul Harris Fellow by two chapters of Rotary.

Luke, as he was often called, and Elvira Carlson met at North Park and were married at the Seminary Chapel June 20, 1951.  They welcomed four children, Beth Adams (Alan), Marti Anderson (Bill), Karl Englund (Joyce), and Daniel Englund (Julie).  Luther’s significant ministry, compassion, and love of people provided an environment of service which was an example within the family as well as an inspiration and comfort to many.  He enjoyed baking and often sharing his multigrain bread with those he visited.

While on his Tuesday morning walk, Luther collapsed and was brought to Emanuel where he received loving comfort care until his death Friday evening June 29, 2018 with family at his bedside.  In addition to his wife and children, he is survived by 12 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.  He was preceded in death by his son Karl in 2016.

A Memorial Service is planned for 11 a.m. on Friday, August 24, 2018 at Turlock Covenant Church, 316 S. Laurel Street, Turlock.  A Reception Luncheon will follow at Hilmar Covenant Church Family Center, Lander and American Avenues, Hilmar.

Memorial gifts may be given in Pastor Luther’s name to Covenant Kids Congo, the Evangelical Covenant Church, 8303 West Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631 (covchurch.org) or Westside Ministries, 952 Columbia Avenue, Turlock, CA 95380 (westsideministriesturlock.wordpress.com) or to a ministry of your choice.

Please share your memories of Luther on this website.

If you would like to post a message to your loved-one's family, please register/login here and post your message below.


  1. Tom Trautman says

    The news of Pastor Luke’s death just reached me here in Minnesota. He was my pastor through my high school years and I cherished his humor and total love and acceptance of me; an important aspect at the time since I was dating one of his daughters. I felt his confidence in me as I headed off to college and new vistas. Every time I visited Hilmar through the following years he had a special smile, a joke with a twinkle in his eye, and the ever present love that flowed through him from his Savior. I saw him last year, still out making calls on friends at Covenant Village. I’m thankful to God for Pastor Luke’s example, a shining light for Christ to the end.

  2. Chuck Strom says

    I am sorry to hear of Luke’s passing, though I’m glad that he lived a long life. Growing up in Hilmar Covenant Church, he was the first pastor that I remember, and ever since I have regarded him as the personification of what a minister of God should be. We will all miss him very much.

  3. Marilyn Macdonald Backlund says

    I have been involved in some way with Luke England since the day of my birth. He and his wife Elvira were family friends of the Backlund’s long before my arrival but not until I started work at Emanuel Medical Center did I get to know him well. We often worked the same shifts and as there were many instances to run into each other we began a friendship that lasted until his passing. I got to sit and share a cup of coffee while talking about the experiences that our families shared and I came to think of him as a friend and mentor.
    One of my favorite memories of him came at work. When I worked on the weekend I often had reason to help out in the Emergency room. I remember one particular time when a patient came in under police custody and after being treated was released to go home. He had lost a shoe during the arrest, was bandaged from head to toe, had no money for a taxi and had no ride home. It was Luke England that arranged for his ride home after other unsuccessful attempts to get the man assistance. It was things like that act of kindness, done with a sense of humor and personal attention that came to be the hallmark of my understanding of his presence with us at Emanuel.
    I also remember him showing up at the Christmas presentation of Handel’s Messiah with a loaf of homemade bread as a “little gift” after the the concert. I enjoyed Swedish cuisine with he and Elvira at their home in Turlock and came to know his engaging intellect and sense of humor as some of the best company I ever kept. I feel privileged to have had those and many other opportunities to get to know him and benefit from his wisdom and kindness.
    I will miss him tremendously and am grateful for the time I spent with him.

  4. Andee & Rick Swanson says

    It’s hard to put into words how much of an impact Luke Englund has had on our lives in this community. Thank you Luke and family for the light, love, and kindness you”ve given so freely. We will never forget the blessing of knowing you.

  5. Stefani Tsai says

    Pastor Luther was an amazing comforter and encourager. His smiles lifted my heart during some very “down” times. I will miss Pastor Luther greatly. His heart for people was paramount and an example to all.

  6. Charles & Jasmine Kim says

    Luther the Great.

    Not only because he had great grand kids, but he was truly a man of Jesus Christ.

    What may seem as small random acts of kindness, deeply touched and uplifted our spirits and set an example to follow.

    From overseas mail Luther sent Jasmine while she was living in South Korea to bread and chicken he brought our home to pray for our family when we brought our first child back from the hospital, he was living example of how a disciple of Jesus Christ should live.
    Each moment we spent with Luther was simply priceless.

    We miss him greatly each day, yet we are so thankful our lives crossed paths.

    Charles & Jasmine Kim
    Calvary Baptist Church

  7. Forrest Stamper says

    Luther was always kind to my parents, Ken and Betty Voget. I would try to keep a bowl of green jelly bellys out for him when he would visit my them. Thank you Luther.

  8. Gordon M Strom says

    Luke Englund was my pastor when I was in high school. He was a wonderful minister and I will always remember his kindness. He had a wonderful family too. I had the privilege of sharing the same date of birth as his oldest daughter, Beth. He officiated at the wedding of my wife and me. It will be 41 years ago next month he married us. Our time together with him while preparing for the wedding is cherished by us. I feel I got to know him ever better during this time than when I was younger. I will miss him very much.

  9. Tina Love says

    I was in employee at Emanuel Hospital many many years ago. I spoke with him on many occasions and we had great conversations about things regarding the Lord, as he was our pastor for the hospital staff and for patients. He was always very professional and kind and generous with his time. He was a kind and gentle soul to all he met. I know that he walked into heaven as Jesus arms open wide and said… welcome home my son, for a job well done.

  10. Liz Huff Leary says

    His eyes were so very kind and his heart was full of the LORD JESUS. He had a zest for living and a wonderful way of making every person feel special and cared for. He’s already missed!
    Elvira and other dear family members, thank you for sharing Luther with the world. I know many of your meals out were disrupted when he would see someone across the room who, he knew, needed a warm light touch on the shoulder or arm, and a heart to heart moment of feeling God sharing their pain, giving encouragement or having a prayer said on their behalf. Luther was truly God’s representative to a hurting world, and you dear family members saw that even in spite of his humanness, he desired to be used by God. Elvira, thank you for being a great example of a faithful, loving, supportive, Godly wife! Bruce & I love you & are praying for you and your family during this time of the loss of Luther’s presence and the adjustment of his move to his Eternal Home!

  11. Liz Huff Leary says

    His eyes were so very kind and his heart was full of the LORD JESUS. He had a zest for living and a wonderful way of making every person feel special and cared for. Truly, Luther was a man dedicated to the ministry of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He’s already missed!
    Elvira and other dear family members, thank you for sharing Luther with the world. I know many of your meals out were disrupted when he would see someone across the room who, he knew, needed a warm light touch on the shoulder or arm, and a heart to heart moment of feeling God sharing their pain, giving encouragement or having a prayer said on their behalf. Luther was truly God’s representative to a hurting world, and you dear family members saw that even in spite of his humanness, he desired to be used by God. Elvira, thank you for being a great example of a faithful, loving, supportive, Godly wife! Bruce & I love you & are praying for you and your family during this time of the loss of Luther’s presence and the adjustment of his move to his Eternal Home!

  12. Jonette Tornquist says

    I will never forget Pastor Englund praying over our critically ill daughter when she was 13, little did we know that Luther knew both our families, when my father in law died he officiated a wonderful service.

    God Bless

    Al and Jonette Tornquist

  13. Byron O Dickey says

    I hold a very special place in my heart for Luther. Even after I moved thousands of miles away I cherished my phone calls with him. He heart for people, love for Jesus, and the life long calling to be a servant of God is something that will go with me for as long as I live. What an amazing person. Well done good and faithful servant! Well done.

  14. Heather Sturdivan says

    I cannot express in words the depth of my appreciation for the years I was privileged to work with Luther at Calvary Baptist and his example of living out God’s will with the utmost faithfulness and humility! His capacity for loving kindness will always inspire me and push me to seek ways to do the same.

  15. Annie Atkinson says

    I always learned/observed something profound from every interaction with Pastor Luther…and then at the end of our meeting was the tip of the hat, “And a good day to you.” Three things, among many, I appreciated about Luther were: His love for Jesus shown through his endearing and genuine action-oriented love for people, his love for his sweet Elvira, and his love for lifelong learning. I hope I can be even a portion of a giver like he was, surrendering his own time and treasures to lift others up and share a bit of the sweetness of God’s care. At Calvary I watched him demonstrate how every single life has dignity and potential for good. I loved hearing him speak of the new things he was learning and his love for Elvira. I was always curious about what new book they were reading together. I cherish each of the visits I had with him and Elvira. I felt compelled to visit them before I left town and what a sweet time those hours were. When I heard the news, I thought to myself, “God just ‘walked Luther home,’ but left his earth suit here a few more days so family and friends could have some earthly closure.” Well done our beloved friend. We will watch out for your sweetheart and we tip our hats to you. We know you are having a ‘good day!

  16. dale luttrell says

    Pastor Englund was truly a special being.His kind caring demeanor and compassion was witnessed by all he came into contact. He officiated at both my parents funerals and a better choice I could not have made. Thank you again pastor, and I know you are with the Lord.

  17. Nicole Alvernaz says

    The Englund’s would always stop off at Poly on their vacation, delivering care packages from home to Covenant church kids. It pretty much rocked my world because who does that? Other times Luther would just drop by my parents house, a loaf of rye bread in hand, and just chat with whomever was around. It was amazing how much one could learn in a 5 min convo with him.

  18. Betty Hedstrom says

    We have known Luke for many years and have always enjoyed our times together in fellowship . His sincerity was a true virtue. A Life lived in serving the Lord in ministering in the church and many other avenues. We will miss him as many will also. May God give our dear Elvira and each family member peace and comfort in the days ahead. We are promised that He will never leave us or forsake us.

  19. Mindy Fannin says

    Pastor Englund was the kindest, non-judgemental man I’ve ever know. Since leaving California, we have shared occasional notes, his always ending with kind, loving words. I’m so thankful to have called him friend.

  20. Lars hedstrom says

    Always appreciated Luke taking time to say hello, and giving a positive comment to me. He was a genuine friend and a great man. He often walked down our street and brought inspiration in his demeanor.

  21. Susan Azevedo says

    Pastor Englund had many gifts but his ability to relate so well with several different generations of people is one I treasure. I was always happy to see him, even in sad times, and he always made me feel like he was happy to see me too. Well done good and faithful servant.

  22. Dan Bergstrom says

    As a kid, we would always talk ice hockey — and then as an adult, we would talk ministry. What a race well run. What an example he set. What an impact he had on so many lives. What a gift God gave to all of us who knew him!

  23. Richard Ferriera says

    What a magnificent man. I first met him when I taught his son, Daniel Englund, in sixth grade at Elim School in Hilmar. I last saw/spoke to him at my granddaughters Celebration of Life in Turlock. Today he is dancing with my Karly.

  24. Sandy Hughes says

    I loved Pastor for all that he did for our family. He
    Was always there to comfort and encourage us.
    I will miss him very much.
    Ken & Sandy Hughes

  25. JoLynn DiGrazia says

    The encouragement spoken by this man to my heart. I thank God for those words and the meaning that was always sincere and true. God is faithful. Well done good and faithful servant.

  26. Penny Forgnone says

    My Friend, I will miss you deeply until I see you again one day! Thank you for making each one of us feel so special. You were such an inspiration to me and everyone else. Thank you for all the services you conducted for my families at the mortuary. Thank you for making such an impact at Hilmar Covenant,other churches and the community.
    The Lord has blessed us richly in knowing and loving you!

    See you in heaven some day my dear friend,


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