Oct. 1944 – Jan. 2021
Ruth Ann Simar Rhoda was born on October 14, 1944, in Modesto, California to Albert and Edna Deering. She went to Heaven on January 11, 2021.
Her three children, Leland Simar (Christy), LaVonne Boler, and Michelle Howell were her greatest joy. She was determined they would receive an education and proud when each one reached their educational goals. She was blessed with grandchildren and great grandchildren: Cody and Vienna Simar (Forest, Augustine, Lucas and one on the way), and John Simar; Brad and Katie Boler (Braxton and Opal), Brian and Rachel Boler (Ivy and Gwen), Kelly and Jason Love (Ryan and one on the way); Ellen Howell and Kevin Howell.
Ruth often worked two jobs to provide a home for her children and help others in need. She worked in food processing and ran her own businesses, which included hay hauling, trucking and childcare. Her family always came first. She loved to cook and fed anyone who came to her home. She made excellent tacos and salsa and insisted on margaritas at family gatherings.
Each morning she woke ready to do her chores. If she did not answer the phone, she was either mowing the lawn, working in the garden, hanging laundry on the clothesline or mopping floors.
She and her sister Nancy made countless trips to Nevada to play slot machines. Whatever they won or lost they split between them; they called this being partners. She and her baby sister Janice (Jay) Garcia frequently spent mornings drinking coffee while talking on the phone. Whenever they could, they looked for yard sales and shopped at thrift stores together.
If anyone fell on hard times, she was there to assist any way she could. She loved and cared for her nieces, nephews and cousins. They loved her deeply and endearingly called her Aunt Ruthie. Her door was always open to others.
Ruth’s walking buddy and everyday companion was her little (fat) Chihuahua, Luke. Her granddaughter Ellen happily adopted Luke.
Her favorite hobby was growing vegetables, flowers, plants and trees. She believed in being thrifty, buying in bulk and not being wasteful. She canned food and made jams. If she could get something on sale, it just made her day.
She often FaceTimed with LaVonne as she walked through her garden talking about the growth of each vegetable and flower. She liked to help others learn plant names and share plant clippings.
She treasured her many trips to the coast with Leland and Christy. Eating a fresh shrimp cocktail and bringing home crab and sour dough bread from San Francisco were some of her favorite things. She had an unforgettable trip to Kauai with Michelle and her family and cherished their time together, especially deep-sea fishing. She and LaVonne had a memorable time visiting Seattle together.
Through the years, Ruth found companionship and support from her Simar family. She was happy to join them when invited for a holiday, birthday party or potluck. She had a special bond with her sisters-in-law. There are many stories about their antics over the years usually involving a great deal of shenanigans and laughter.
In 2018, Ruth sold her home and moved to Bethel Retirement Center where she had more leisure time. She and Leland enjoyed planting a garden and swimming in the pool. With Michelle’s help, she won first place in Bethel’s First Annual Chili Cook-Off. When it came to dancing, look out! She could “cut a rug” and everyone at Bethel enjoyed watching her and joining in. She also enjoyed shopping and having lunch with Michelle.
During her younger years she enjoyed boating, water skiing, and camping with her family and friends. She was delighted to teach people of all ages how to build a fire, water ski and swim.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Dennis Simar, sister Nancy Ormsby, and brother Ted Deering.
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Jimmy Cooper says
February 2, 2021 at 7:12 amMet Aunt Ruth when I was 14 My parents divorced and she opened her door to us. It was a life changing event for me. We where JW’s. I will never forget this Always feed us anything we ask. Taught me some good lessons in life. I can’t thank her with words. We had good times and bad times but she always stood by us. Taught me how to water ski, we had fun at the lake for sure !!! Put another log on the fire. and I passed that on to my children. Taught me how to cut wood. Taught me many things I can’t even list here the list is to long. Loved working on the trucks unloading whatever we had. I sometimes think about driving truck. I remember sitting in the Tamato truck with Lee. The flies where so bad. I said Hold my beer I’m gonna catch one in my mouth and I did. I remember me and Michelle riding 3 wheelers in the corn field I remember when I cut my hand in the canal. Those where great times. I will never ever forget my Aunt Ruth. She was a special woman. Could make something out of nothing. We never went hungry and we where clean and taught manners. Thank You aunt Ruth and everyone else that was a part of my life. I love you ALL.
Michelle Howell says
January 28, 2021 at 10:46 pmMy mom was very strict, but she loved her family fiercely. We hugged and kissed hello and goodbye. We never ended a phone call without saying I love you. Even after I became an adult, she still introduced me to others by saying, “This is my baby, Michelle” because I was her youngest child. She frequently told me I was beautiful and always took the opportunity to tell others, too. When I was young, I slept with her. I never wanted to stay the night away from home – she was my everything. She just smiled when I told her I never want to leave home when I grow up.
Her goal as a parent was to make life better for my brother, sister and me than it was for her. Partly because she worked so much and partly because she was thrifty she was always preserving food. I was an adult before I ate store bought jelly or anything in a can. She taught me to do chores before the heat of the day, do a job right the first time, take care of property and it would last longer, work hard for what I wanted, always pay bills first and on time, and very importantly that being poor did not define me.
She was physically strong and the hardest working person I’ve ever known. Even though she was a single mother and worked to provide for our family she still found time/energy to dance, help family and friends who were in need, make Christmas magical, cook a meal for anyone who dropped by unexpectedly, take us to the lake and pull water skiers from sunrise to sunset.
Dementia slowly took my mom from me. I am happy that she no longer says, “There’s something wrong with my brain, sis.” I am grateful for the mother she was to me. I miss her so much already. When I think about saying, “I love you, Mom” I’ll always remember her saying, “I love you more.”
TC Mohr says
January 27, 2021 at 7:30 pmMy tender hearted, proud, brilliant Aunt Ruthie, you will be dearly missed…..
To the living, I am gone.
To the sorrowful, I will never return.
To the angry, I was cheated.
But to the happy, I am at peace,
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore,
gazing at a beautiful sea – remember me.
As you look in awe at a mighty forest
And it’s grand majesty – remember me.
As you look upon a flower and
Admire its simplicity – remember me.
Remember me in your heart,
Your thoughts, your memories of the times we loved,
The times we cried, the times we fought,
The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me,
I will never be gone.
I can still hear you call my name “Terri Lynne get in here”
Kelly Love (Boler) says
January 24, 2021 at 12:14 amGrandma Ruth,
I will always cherish the extra time we had together once I moved to California from Washington. We had some good times on Friday night dates out to Mexican food and margaritas. At my wedding, you were a hit on the dance floor ( no surprise there) I was always so proud when people said ” is that your grandma? Man, she can move!” Your spunk and sense of humor is rooted in all of us, what a great gift to leave behind. It’s impossible not to smile when remembering you! Thank you for being a kind and strong matriarch of our family, you will never be forgotten.
I love you grandma!
Lodi Garcia says
January 18, 2021 at 3:55 pmI met Ruth Ann through Douglass and even though it was a short time ago we became good friends. Ruth Ann was a hard-working person with a heart of gold. Ruthy you will remember forever with my family. You only met them that weekend you came to the Garcia Family Reunion. When we got cheated out of a gold medal in a three legged race. My family blames me for making us fall the second time around. Ruth you were fun be hang out with I remember when Douglas took us to the San Jose swap meet. We only bought socks. An on the way home to Parlier we stopped to eat at casa de fruit-a and had lunch and and you always ordered the same thing on the menu that I was having We took pictures with the 58 Chevy. And three of my sisters gave you plants from their gardens here in Parlier. Things I will always remember for Ruth Ann are your love, your smile and your whole being. I love you Ruth it was an honor meeting you and making memories with you. For ever in my hearts. Lodi Garcia
Douglas VanHoozen says
January 18, 2021 at 3:05 pmRuth was my cousin she was family it was her and there are so many memories of her being loving and caring to me like I was one of her old kids well I didn’t have nothing she was there pushing me along say an education will take you a long ways in life she was right I am so glad that we reconnected in life I got to share these memories all over again some of the memories are she would pick me up and go visit with Leland and Lodi and I remember jumping on the trampoline and learning how to ride a bike going to Mickey’s Grove zoo take me to my first baseball game I remember going over to Carpenter Road and visiting with Leland hanging out also going to the canal to take our weekly bath in the on Saturdays with watermelon she made life so fun yes let’s not forget the camping trips at the lake for a week oh so memories that are in my heart that I will never forget her and I love her very much see you in heaven
Jenifer flores says
January 18, 2021 at 2:25 amMy sweet great aunt Ruth I will cherish our memories together! Stopping by to visit and catch up was always a good time I always loved your homemade salsa and your blunt personality and humor.I’m so grateful you were able to meet my son and hold those memories close I love you and you will be missed!
Donna Osborne Rebelo says
January 17, 2021 at 5:03 pmRuth was my mom Betty best friend for all of my teen age years our family spent every weekend together she was a second parent to me she was always laughing her laugh is what I remember the most I stopped by her house about 3 or 4 years ago it was so nice to visit with her I have very fond memories of Ruth
Sharon Peabody says
January 17, 2021 at 4:09 pmAunt Ruth even though I married into the family u still treated me as if I was born into ur family. You have been there for me more times then I can count.through the birth of my 4children and my divorce. I remember most and loved about u is we talked for hours on the phone,we loved going to yard sales,and I loved the memories we made camping together. Aunt Ruth there is empty space in my heart ❤️ that u have always filled. I love u to the moon and back and u are greatly missed by all. Rip aunt Ruth until we meet again. Love always Sharon
Leland Simar says
January 17, 2021 at 6:49 amMy mother, born October 14 1944 Ruth Ann Deering, was one of a kind! The good kind! With a big kind heart,she was kind!
I was born when she was of a young age, which was our life long bond, it was truly a special bond! She taught me the most Important things in life respect,kindness, & hard work, to work for your own things because you would take better care of it if you paid for it, she taught me how to mow a yard, wash a car, cook,garden,waterski, cut wood even how to hammer a nail & drive a big rig truck at 16 years old.
Thank you mother for everything you taught me and did for me and for making a man out of me,you taught me that family came first!
I love you with all of my heart, I love you the whole wide world.
It’s weird now that I cannot get in my car and go see you or call you on the phone,I miss you so much!
I knew one day this day would come but now it seems like a dream,it’s your time now to rest for you have worked so hard for so long, dance in heaven mom & show them how to cook tacos & how to make hot salsa,
I love you mom your son Leland❤️ We will see each other again
J. Garcia says
January 17, 2021 at 2:37 amLife had it’s ups and downs but my sister had a sense of humor and her adult children do to ….they got that from her!!! My sister could have been a nurse, a doctor, a life adviser, a principal of a school, even a head of a corporation-she had that kind of determination and inner strength to have been anything she set her mind to but she didn’t have the opportunity of education to reach those types of goals-but she didn’t let that define her, for HER MOSY IMPORTANT GOAL in life was raising her children to work hard at school, at a job and to become responsible adults “ SHE LAID THE FOUNDATION BY HER OWN EXAMPLE…..HER CHILDREN WORK HARD AND ARE RESPONSIBLE ADULTS….. SHE SUCCEEDED!!!!!!
My sister and I texted, phoned, FaceTime and later I sent audio messages of memories to be played to her. Some were funny, some soothing music, some with laughter and some with tears.
I used to share scriptural thoughts and beautiful pictures with my sister: God’s Son, Jesus asked us to pray for God’s “Kingdom to come”# and he being the appointed King of it* said, “The meek will inherit the earth” (Mat. 5:5). He will fulfill God’s purpose of a Paradise earth: food and housing for all ^; sickness and death will be no more < ; peace among all races+; and the majority of the dead resurrected to the earth =.. It’s under these conditions that I hope to welcome my sister back from the dead and live forever on a Paradise earth@. Sharing this hope with my sister was the best gift I could ever have shared with her!!!! I will miss her till then!
( Supporting Scriptures: # Mat. 6:9,10; *Dan. 7:13,14; ^Is.65:21;
< Is. 33:24; Rev 21:3,4; + Is. 2:2-4; = Acts 24:15; Mat. 5:5; Ps 37:9,10; @John 3:16, 17:1,3;
Cody Simar says
January 16, 2021 at 7:37 amMy grandma showed her love for others through work. She would work to prepare meals for others, and as soon as she finished her food she worked to gather dishes and clean up so others could enjoy themselves and feel comfortable. As someone who benefited from grandmas work in those moments I often felt guilty that an elderly women was effortlessly producing more energy than I could even try to muster. This resulted in long lived jokes that revered grandmas work ethic. Not even a day after her passing was a joke made that she was probably trying to clean heavens perfectly clean golden streets.
About 9 years ago I discovered an interest in gardening. Little did I know at the time, grandma had an interest in gardening as well. After seeing that grandma had some under utilized land, I proposed we start a garden. Grandma was all in, and before I knew it she was regularly walking to Home Depot purchasing soil and plants and hauling them back in a cart. Grandmas yard became our yard and I would show up with experimental fruit trees and just plop them in her yard wherever I saw fit. At the time I recognized my interest being satisfied and thought that I was doing grandma a favor. Little did I know she was laying a foundation for me and my career. I have now owned a landscaping company for over 6 years and I know without a doubt that my business has been blessed by the opportunities that she gave me.
Although I witnessed grandmas amazing work ethic, she also knew how to have fun. She would regularly arm wrestle my brother and I and could beat us both until about 9th grade. She would dance when she heard some music, swim when there was a pool, and even drink a beer or two.
All in all, hard worker is the number one trait I think of when I think of her. She wasn’t working out of pride, she wasn’t working for recognition, and she wasn’t working for wealth. She was working to serve others and she was working so that quality time could be had.
Ivan Simar says
January 16, 2021 at 12:56 amRuth was my sister in law, I truly loved her and respected her, She exhibited a true christain spirit in all she did, whether it was showing love to her family and others or standing Her ground as Christ did when He cleared His Father’s house. It has been a great reunion in heaven and I truly look forward to seeing Her again !!!!
Betty Kilby says
January 15, 2021 at 10:10 pmRuth and I were always good friends that we haven’t seen each other in quite a few years I still think a lot of her and I miss her terribly she was really a good person and a good friend miss you Ruth love Betty
Ilene Simar Worthington says
January 15, 2021 at 9:35 pmRuth entered my life when I was 8, as a sister when she married my brother. I spent a lot of time with her when they were hauling hay. When she took a summer job, I was able to babysit for her. Although I tried to clean her house, it was never as clean as she kept it! Bleach was her friend. I spent many nights at their house because I knew we’d have fun! She was always interested in my family and loved all of us. It doesn’t surprise me that she won the chili cook off. Hers was the best and she always made homemade cinnamon rolls to go with it. I will miss her, but know I’ll see her in heaven some day.
Jesus Fuentes says
January 15, 2021 at 7:48 pmMy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Darlene Simar Asbury says
January 15, 2021 at 7:23 pmIn the Simar family we don’t have x-es. Ruthie was always part of the family. She was a friend and mother of our nieces and nephew. We will miss her but never forget her.
Carolyn ann Deering says
January 15, 2021 at 7:10 pmMy sweet Aunt Ruthie, My heart has been heavy, You meant the world to me, Your love and compassion you showed to your children did not stop there you allowed each of your nieces and nephews to experience your love you had freely , Your antics in every area of my life will forever be remembered , my summers at the Modest Reservoir riding invthe back of the pick up truck learning to water ski, I have to many fond memories that will always bring a smile to my face, My most favorite will be the times you spent with my children and grandchildren You will be greatly missed Thank you for Loving me and always giving me a place to call home. Fly High Aunt Ruthie Fly High and dance like there is no tommorrow. Love Sissy
Kevin Howell says
January 15, 2021 at 6:02 pmGrandma Ruth taught me one of the most important lessons in my early childhood, if not the most important. Growing up, I had problems in elementary school because I was getting bullied by other kids. Not because I was small, but purely because I had not learned how to stand up for myself and fight back.
Some of my best and earliest memories I have with Grandma Ruth would learning wrestling moves from her while my Mom watched us and warned Grandma to be careful to not hurt herself. I’ll never forget how loving my grandma was, but she was also a tough cookie when it counted. With time I grew up taller and stronger than her, but I always continued to show respect to her as I remembered the times she would crush me practicing wrestling.
These days, I practice mixed martial arts and self defense for sport and it turned into being something I truly love in my adult life. I wouldn’t be practicing my passion today if Grandma never taught me how to find my gameness and courage during my childhood. I think about her each time I mentally gather my courage for each match.
Love you Grandma
– Kev
David Howell says
January 15, 2021 at 5:22 pmRuth & I had many good times and good laughs! I will miss her smile and laugh. She was a great mother in-law. She always accepted and loved me. I loved being with her and and all the good memories we made. I have many fond memories with Ruth that I will always cherish that.
Buhl Deering says
January 14, 2021 at 10:15 pmMy favorite Aunt Ruth, I love you super much and thank you for always being the person in my life and helping me with my schooling and making sure that . I finished school. You hold my and gave me a place to live and help me with my Daughter Michelle when she was a baby, you loved her and in joyed her so much with the dogs and her learning. I Love you like My Real Mother that you was too me . I Love you so much , I Miss you super much,
I always in joyed are time that we spend together and taking you out to eat and see the smile on you face when we ate dinner and cooking dinner on the BBq pit, most of all the holidays when we always cooked and bake desserts together for all are family members, .Love You . Mom
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